Safely Upending Coils with a Coil Upender

A coil upender is a device designed to safely and efficiently bring coils from their palletized position to a vertical position. Learn more about how this device works and its features.

Safely Upending Coils with a Coil Upender

When it comes to upending coils, there are certain considerations that must be taken into account. A coil upender is a device designed to safely and efficiently bring coils from their palletized position to a vertical position. This is an important process for many industries, as it allows for the safe and efficient transfer of heavy and bulky loads such as metal coils, molds, and dies. The MDR series of coil upenders are available in several sizes and different options.

These devices are designed with operator safety, quick setup, and competitive pricing in mind. A motorized V-saddle can be used to smoothly move a coil and adjust it to the pallet before tipping it over. This prevents the coil from slipping while tilted. Additionally, supports mounted in pits allow platforms to be aligned with the ground to facilitate loading or interaction with workers.

A good coil upender will simplify the dangerous process of tilting the coil manually or with overhead cranes. The device is equipped with retaining posts for anti-roll coils with 480 VAC power supply, which turn the palletized coils face up. It also has a slotted platform for removing coils with a C-hook or a 10,000-pound sling. The platforms of the vertical support not only support the load, but are designed to interact with the handling device that establishes or removes the load.

The MDR series of coil upenders can handle loads from 11,000 pounds (5000 kg) to 110,000 pounds (50,000 kg). In conclusion, using a coil upender is an efficient and safe way to transfer palletized steel coils to a coil carriage. It is important to consider all of the features and specifications when selecting a coil upender for your needs. By doing so, you can ensure that your device is able to safely and efficiently handle your specific load requirements.

Imke van Smeets
Imke van Smeets

Friendly music practitioner. Proud beer fan. Typical coffeeaholic. Friendly tv enthusiast. Amateur zombie guru.

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